marimurumendi marathon – Race entry 2024

The mmm race is open to anyone, man or woman, who was born before July 14, 2006. The organization will ensure all runners with an elementary insurance. Independent of what is offered, runners may have a private insurance.

Participants who wish to participate in this edition of the ehunmilak race can register in the website, after the 9th November, 2023 at 17:00. This is the only way to enter to one of the three races. At 18: 00, the first 350 mmm entries will have the option to formalise the regist ration. To do so, they will receive an e-mail with the necessary instructions and will have 72 hours to make the registration payment.The method of payment will be by credit card.

The maximum of entrants is 350.

In order to formalize the registration, it will be necessary for the runner to send the organization the completed medical certificate model provided by the organization, together with a 12-lead electrocardiogram performed at rest. You can consult all the information related to medical documentation in Article 7 of the Regulations or in the Medical and race fitness report  section of this website.

Deadline for entries is the 13th June of 2024.

Registration includes:

  • Entrance to the race
  • Medical assistance during the race
  • Massage therapist service after the race
  • A souvenir from Ternua. If it is a clothing item, the size chosen at the time of registration cannot be changed when collecting the race bib
  • Free bus service for runners: from the finish-line to the showers (Antzizar Sports Centre)
  • Road Book
  • Electronic chip timing: 10 check points
  • 200 free parking places for cars and vans, free and near the start line. It will be completed in order of arrival. In case of completion, two other parking spaces without reservation
  • 40 free parking places for motorhomes

A finisher award will be given at the finishing line to those runners who complete the race within the time set by the organising committee. If it is a clothing item, the size chosen at the time of registration cannot be changed.


Date mmm
From 09/11/2023 to 22/02/2024 47€
From 23/02/2024 to 13/06/2024 52€


Every competitor will have the opportunity to purchase cancellation insurance, for 10€ at the time of subscription. This amount will be added to the registration
fee. Cancellation insurance must be contracted at the time of registration, direct or on the waiting list, and this option cannot be modified once registration has
been made.

The insurance entitles competitors to reim burse the registration costs. Once the registration deadline closed, NO amount will be refunded regardless of the reason.